Run a Home Cycle and set up as above if this happens. 0,0 is bottom left. What am I doing wrong? // NOTE: Defaults are set for a traditional 3-axis CNC machine. This bypasses noise coupling into the digital inputs and vastly improves the noise immunity of the input. I mounted a 2 hole angle bracket on the wheel screw, and then used a limit switch mounting plate from the OB store to mount the prox sensor. In GRBL Panel, the small numbers below the X, Y, and Z position bars on the upper left of the main screen Work tab are the Machine position, as well as being displayed in the Offsets Tab. Actuellement le Homming fonctionne parfaitement avec la configuration Soft limit active. It seems for some reason that the Arduino Uno is a bit more immune to this noise than the Arduino Nano. Actually, it subtracts the Homing Offset from these values before loading. To do this: Go to the Settings Tab. The Machine Position is usually displayed somewhere in whatever G-Code sender program you use. Limit switches are just mounted at the opposite ends of the axes, so each axis has a pair of switches, one at each end. These are available in PNP output as well, which has a PNP transistor which pulls the output to VCC when the output is active. The Z axis moves up for positive moves and down for negative moves $ 110, $ 111 y $ 112 – [X, Y, Z] Velocidad máxima, mm / min. It's not part of the g-code stream. By default, Grbl's homing cycle moves the Z-axis positive first to clear the workspace and then moves both the X and Y-axes at the same time in the positive direction. This is where the external pullup resistors come in. You have now set G28 to your Home position. Double check that the switches activate before the gantry hits the bumper. By now you should have adjusted a few of the GRBL settings. I don’t recommend doing this no matter how convenient it may seem. The diode cathode (the end of the diode with the paint stripe on it) should be towards the sensor. Any config example ? The PL prefix in the part number indicates that this is a long body type sensor, there are long and short bodied sensors. The Z axis prox is usually mounted on one of the X axis wheel screws, or sometimes on the top of the carriage gantry plate. The limit switches on the X-carve are used to tell grbl where "home" is. Grbl v1.1 changed the Z axis homing switch connection to a different pin, and it make a lot of Z switches inoperable. If you use aluminum targets, their sensing distance is only about 2mm. $20: Soft limits, boolean: 0: I plan to enable this, but I'd also like to have hard limits enabled, just in case. UPDATE: Make sure to look for the version of grbl you are using. This is good; your machine is now fully zeroed. The punching stroke will be stationary as usual. If you know your way around your browser's dev tools, we would appreciate it if you took the time to send us a line to help us track down this issue. YES. Programs like GRBL Panel will show a homing button if the homing function is enabled. Thus, all work will be in a positive direction for both the X and Y axes. Note that the ground from the power supply/sensors is tied to the Arduino board ground as well. #define HOMING_CYCLE_0 (1<