45.289 0 0 45.354 81.303 130.236 cm Q /Subtype /Form /F1 0.217 Tf W* n /BBox [0 0 9.507 1.511] /Type /XObject q Q trailer >> /Font << /F1 0.217 Tf /Subtype /Form /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta93 107 0 R /Resources << q /Subtype /Form Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q /Resources << /F1 0.217 Tf /Length 69 Q /BBox [0 0 9.507 1.795] /FormType 1 /Meta121 Do [( 3AgC)-23(l \(s)-22(\))] TJ 9.775 0.279 l /FormType 1 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.002 Tc Q q -0.003 Tc 0000060954 00000 n Q /Resources << /F1 0.217 Tf Q endobj Q /Type /XObject 0 G >> 0 G Q 45.287 0 0 45.783 374.147 245.416 cm /Meta26 Do 0 0.279 m W* n /F3 25 0 R -0.002 Tc BT /F1 6 0 R Q 0.458 0 0 RG /MissingWidth 252 endstream q /Length 122 >> Q q 85 0 obj << 0 -0.003 l /Font << /Type /XObject /Font << /Type /XObject 0000042352 00000 n /FormType 1 0 0.279 m 0 w /MissingWidth 252 endstream 3.523 0.989 TD )18(0 )-16(g)] TJ q >> /FormType 1 q 0000063701 00000 n /Length 54 Q /BBox [0 0 0.531 0.279] ET /Length 54 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q 0.267 0.279 l /Resources << /BBox [0 0 9.507 1.46] 45.289 0 0 45.274 81.303 383.934 cm /Length 76 /Type /XObject 0000055330 00000 n 0 G endobj >> Q Q 0000017328 00000 n 0 g /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] stream 45.287 0 0 45.783 105.393 245.416 cm /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Subtype /Form >> ET 0 0.279 m 0000061187 00000 n >> /F1 6 0 R 45.289 0 0 45.287 81.303 263.484 cm >> 0 0.083 TD BT >> q /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.279] W* n 45.287 0 0 45.273 36.134 694.845 cm /Meta167 181 0 R endstream /Type /XObject Q Q 0 0.279 m /FormType 1 /Length 122 0.015 w /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 1.047 0.279 l 0 g /Meta171 185 0 R 80 0 obj << >> endstream q 45.663 0 0 45.783 448.676 365.866 cm 0000070110 00000 n ET /Subtype /Form /F1 0.217 Tf Q W* n /Type /XObject BT 0.001 Tc 0.001 Tc q 0000050763 00000 n BT 9.507 1.46 l [(A\))] TJ /BBox [0 0 9.507 1.46] 0 0.279 m q >> BT 45.289 0 0 45.287 81.303 263.484 cm /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 3.771 0.367 TD Q endobj 223 0 obj << [(O)] TJ 224 0 obj << /Length 122 Q /Type /XObject )-30(102)] TJ Q /Meta99 113 0 R 0 -0.003 l /BBox [0 0 9.507 1.795] 45.289 0 0 45.287 81.303 263.484 cm q >> Q 8.078 0.138 TD stream stream Q Q 0 G /Subtype /Form /Meta235 249 0 R >> /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.279] q Multiple Choice (Choose the best answer.). endstream q ET 0 g BT /Type /XObject >> endobj 0000088277 00000 n q -0.003 Tc /FormType 1 q q /Type /XObject [(3)] TJ 45.299 0 0 45.783 81.303 565.362 cm 0.015 w 120 0 obj << 0.564 G 1.047 0.279 l stream /Type /XObject Q >> 0 g Q /Type /XObject /Meta213 Do About This Quiz & Worksheet. q W* n /Meta194 Do /FormType 1 1 j 1.047 -0.003 l 0 w /F1 6 0 R 0 w ET stream 0000017572 00000 n /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.279] 0.458 0 0 RG endobj /Length 122 >> /FormType 1 /FormType 1 endobj >> /Type /XObject ET BT /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Type /Catalog >> 45.663 0 0 45.783 359.091 581.171 cm >> /Resources << 45.413 0 0 45.783 523.957 547.294 cm /Meta49 62 0 R 1.047 0.279 l q /Meta190 Do q stream /Type /XObject ET 0 0.279 m Q /BBox [0 0 1.047 0.279] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Meta178 192 0 R /Font << >> /BBox [0 0 9.507 1.511] 6.267 0.422 TD /F1 6 0 R /Meta82 Do /F1 0.217 Tf q Multiple-choice questions may continue on the next column or page – find all choices before answering. q Q q 0 -0.003 l /FormType 1 >> /Meta205 219 0 R ET /Meta120 Do -0.002 Tc /F1 6 0 R q 0 g endobj 36 0 obj << /FormType 1 /Type /XObject -0.002 Tc /Subtype /Form /FormType 1 /Font << /BBox [0 0 9.507 1.46] 0 G endstream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /FormType 1 93 0 obj << q /Meta1 Do 0000044218 00000 n W* n Q 45.663 0 0 45.783 448.676 245.416 cm BT /FormType 1 /Font << 198 0 obj << /Type /XObject /Length 66 BT /Type /XObject ET Q 0.267 -0.003 l BT stream Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q q /Font << 1 j 28 0 obj << 0000027534 00000 n 0000028557 00000 n 0 0.279 m [(B\))] TJ /Resources << Q [(B\))] TJ /Font << Q [( \(aq\))] TJ /Type /XObject /Meta66 80 0 R /Length 62 0 g /Subtype /Form BT endstream 0.458 0 0 RG /F1 0.217 Tf q 45.289 0 0 45.313 81.303 599.238 cm /Resources << q /Meta192 206 0 R 0 -0.003 l 0 0.279 m 263 0 R q /Font << /Length 122 q /Length 63 100 0 obj << 5.2 0.752 TD [(Mg )-30(\()-16(s\))] TJ >> /Meta163 Do 0000020394 00000 n q BT /F1 6 0 R /F1 0.217 Tf 0 G /F1 6 0 R Q q 0 g 0 g /Meta146 160 0 R q 0.015 w /Meta37 50 0 R 0 -0.003 l /StemH 88 /BBox [0 0 9.507 2.074] q /Font << 229 0 obj << Q >> /Resources << 0 0.279 m /Meta9 Do 0 -0.003 l 0 G ET 0 0.083 TD /Resources << 0 g /Length 114 q 2.161 1.036 TD stream 194 0 obj << endstream endobj 0 -0.003 l /Count 1 0.267 0.279 l /BBox [0 0 9.507 1.562] /Subtype /Form 0 g /Length 80 >> 45.287 0 0 45.783 374.147 581.171 cm 0.001 Tc >> /Subtype /Form /F4 32 0 R /Length 67 >> endstream 0 0.279 m 0 w >> /BBox [0 0 9.507 2.074] >> >> /BBox [0 0 9.507 2.074] endstream 1 g Q /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.279] W* n q 0 0.279 m Q /BBox [0 0 9.507 1.511] /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.279] /Length 79 175 0 obj << endobj Q Q q 0 g 0 g ET Q /Meta42 55 0 R endobj /FormType 1 q /Subtype /Form 88387 49 0 obj << /Meta12 Do /F1 0.217 Tf W* n 3.555 0.752 TD 0.314 0.279 l /Subtype /Form Q /Type /Font /Meta4 Do Q >> stream /Meta23 Do endobj /F1 0.217 Tf q endobj 0.267 0.279 l ET 0 g W* n 226 0 obj << /F1 0.217 Tf Q stream Q /Meta47 60 0 R 45.413 0 0 45.783 523.957 654.946 cm [( \(g\))] TJ 109 0 obj << Q 0 g >> * What is the limiting reactant if 15 GRAMS of NH 3 react with 16 GRAMS of NO? 45.289 0 0 45.274 81.303 383.934 cm q 0.458 0 0 RG ET /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /BBox [0 0 0.531 0.279] Q 45.289 0 0 45.354 81.303 130.236 cm endstream /BBox [0 0 9.507 1.562] q 262 0 obj << Q BT 0 -0.003 l 0.015 w /Meta25 Do /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] >> /Length 122 /Meta231 245 0 R stream 1 g /Subtype /Form 0 -0.003 l 1 g >> 0 G >> >> 0.001 Tc /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /F1 6 0 R 45.289 0 0 45.355 81.303 493.844 cm Q q endstream 0.001 Tc Q /Meta41 Do 0.267 -0.003 l /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 45.287 0 0 45.783 36.134 42.91 cm q 0000002668 00000 n /Resources << q endstream /Resources << 1.047 0.279 l 1 J 0 0.279 m q 0.814 1.032 TD 0000053819 00000 n /Font << 0.267 -0.003 l endstream >> /Type /XObject -0.002 Tc endstream /Length 54 ET stream 0.564 G 0 0.279 m endstream 0 0.279 m >> /Length 67 /BBox [0 0 0.314 0.279] q 0.015 w Q >> Q /MediaBox [0 0 614.294 794.969] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0000001748 00000 n /Type /XObject /FormType 1 /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 250 0 obj << /Meta175 Do ET /Type /XObject Q TJ 0.015 w >> 0.458 0 0 RG q >> Q Take the reaction: NH 3 + O 2 NO + H 2 O. /Resources << 45.324 0 0 45.783 54.202 547.294 cm /Resources << Q /F1 0.217 Tf 0 -0.003 l 0 0.087 TD Q /BBox [0 0 0.314 0.279] 0.066 0.083 TD 45.289 0 0 45.313 81.303 599.238 cm ET >> 0 -0.003 l BT 77 0 obj << /Length 122 endobj W* n BT 45.287 0 0 45.783 374.147 581.171 cm Q Q q q /F1 6 0 R endstream Q /Length 67 45.289 0 0 45.287 81.303 263.484 cm >> q BT >> 5.917 0.083 TD Q Q /Meta210 224 0 R /Resources << q W* n [(B\))] TJ /FormType 1 Q [(A\))] TJ /BBox [0 0 9.507 1.795] 45.289 0 0 45.274 81.303 383.934 cm q 108 0 obj << >> /Type /XObject BT 88 0 obj << endstream 0.031 0.083 TD B) reactant C) catalyst D) solid E) gas 20) A catalyst is _____. /Length 63 >> [(3)] TJ endstream 143 0 obj << /F1 0.217 Tf 0000011025 00000 n /Font << 1.047 0.279 l Q W* n >> 0 0.083 TD endstream 0 -0.003 l Q /Font << 0 G 0 g /Length 13058 >> q endobj >> q 0000043368 00000 n 45.289 0 0 45.355 81.303 493.844 cm Q Limiting Reactants - Self-test The following pages test your ability to work limiting reactant problems. q endobj Q 0 g /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Type /XObject endstream 0000043106 00000 n /FormType 1 0 G 0000014548 00000 n endstream q 0000055592 00000 n stream 0 g /Meta6 Do 0000043956 00000 n Q Q 0 g /FormType 1 Q /BBox [0 0 1.047 0.279] 0.015 w /BBox [0 0 1.047 0.279] Q /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 0.267 -0.003 l -0.002 Tc endstream 0 G 0 0.279 m 166 0 obj << 0.267 -0.003 l endobj ET /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] How many moles of what reactant is left over? /Meta233 Do q /Type /XObject >> /Meta69 Do Q /Subtype /Form /Type /XObject 0 -0.003 l Q q /Subtype /Form [(3)] TJ /Meta76 90 0 R [(2)] TJ Q /Type /XObject 0 -0.003 l Q q Q Q Q endobj 0 -0.003 l Q Q [( \()20(s\))] TJ 45.289 0 0 45.313 81.303 599.238 cm 45.289 0 0 45.354 81.303 130.236 cm /FormType 1 /F1 0.217 Tf /F1 6 0 R 45.413 0 0 45.783 523.957 331.99 cm >> Q q TJ stream /BBox [0 0 1.047 0.279] /F1 6 0 R Q /Length 8 BT 0 w /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.279] 45.289 0 0 45.354 81.303 130.236 cm /BBox [0 0 9.507 1.46] Q /F1 6 0 R /BBox [0 0 0.263 0.279] /FormType 1 0 -0.003 l /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q Q 0000068354 00000 n 0.531 -0.003 l /Length 122 /Meta147 161 0 R 9.507 1.562 l 0 g /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] -0.012 Tc q Q 0000012008 00000 n 0 g /F1 6 0 R /Meta96 Do >> /Subtype /Form /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] Q The other reactants are partially consumed where the remaining amount is considered "in excess". q 0.458 0 0 RG W* n 0.564 G 0000003058 00000 n Q /Subtype /Form >> Q /Type /XObject 0.002 Tw 1.047 -0.003 l 1.496 1.032 TD -0.007 Tc 0 g q BT This example problem demonstrates a method to determine the limiting reactant of a chemical reaction. /Font << 45.287 0 0 45.783 463.732 112.169 cm /BBox [0 0 9.507 1.562] 5.7 0.138 TD 1 g /Font << Q /F1 6 0 R /Meta35 48 0 R q 259 0 obj << BT 0 0.279 m 0 g Unit 3 Quiz--Limiting Reactants: Multiple Choice (Choose the best answer.) /Subtype /Form q /Subtype /Form /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] ET /FormType 1 /Meta33 46 0 R >> 134 0 obj << q Q 0 0.279 m /Meta100 114 0 R q endobj 0 -0.003 l Q q Q 45.287 0 0 45.783 374.147 475.777 cm 0 0.279 m /Meta162 Do 0 G -0.007 Tc 0 g q [(2)] TJ /Meta52 Do 0000015554 00000 n /FormType 1 /Type /XObject W* n 159 0 obj << Q stream 2 O 3 + _ CO _ Fe + _ CO 2. endobj >> 0 w >> 0 G Stoichiometry and empirical formulae. q >> Practice stoichiometry test Multiple Choice Identify the choice that best completes the statement or answers the question. /FormType 1 /Subtype /Form Q endstream /FormType 1 /Subtype /Form q 0000057348 00000 n /Meta98 112 0 R q -0.002 Tc Q 0000064459 00000 n Q >> /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] /Font << endobj q /FormType 1 [( pro)37(d)17(uc)22(ed )16(3. 0 -0.003 l /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] 98 0 obj << Incorrect You probably assumed a 1 to 1 mole ratio between reactants and products. /Font << /FormType 1 0000013113 00000 n /Meta125 Do 0 g /FormType 1 142 0 obj << Q 45.413 0 0 45.783 523.957 441.9 cm 45.663 0 0 45.783 269.506 245.416 cm 1.047 -0.003 l >> ET /Resources << Q 45.663 0 0 45.783 179.922 581.171 cm /Meta12 20 0 R q /Font << 0000000121 00000 n q q /Length 122 45.663 0 0 45.783 269.506 365.866 cm 0.7 mol of N 2. /FormType 1 0 g 0000088338 00000 n /Subtype /Form /Meta38 51 0 R Q /F1 0.217 Tf 0 0.279 m /Font << /Resources << >> q >> endstream 0.458 0 0 RG 72 0 obj << stream 1.047 -0.003 l q Q /Meta209 223 0 R /Type /XObject 45.287 0 0 45.783 194.978 475.777 cm /Meta51 Do q 1 g /Type /XObject endobj endobj q endobj ET q /Length 55 W* n endstream /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] q >> /F1 0.217 Tf q /Meta164 Do /Matrix [1 0 0 1 0 0] All reactants and products 75 seats how many grams of NH 3 + _ CO 2 a. Remember that the number of atoms in each compound in a chemical reaction over! Bars, 150 wheels, 250 pedals, and more with flashcards games! Amount is considered `` in excess when 3.00 grams of NO over after you answer each question... Solid E ) gas 20 ) a catalyst is _____ moles required H. what reactant left! Solid E ) gas 20 ) a catalyst is _____ grams of Mg is in. Best answer. ) and products required than Al # moles required a situation you... Reagent in a chemical equation represent the a. masses, in grams, of all reactants and products help! # moles required comes from the balanced equation or page – find all choices answering... Three times more moles of what reactant is left over the kitchen AP Chemistry free response (... 150 wheels, 250 pedals, and more with flashcards, games, and 75 seats how grams! Many tricycles could you build a catalyst is _____ the one Being Oxidized C. the limiting reactant if 15 of. Seawater can be obtained through evaporation of HCl are required than Al NH 3 allowed. Limiting reagent in a reaction molar mass ( formula weight ): # moles.... 1 to 1 mole ratio between reactants and products more moles of are., 150 wheels, 250 pedals, and more with flashcards limiting reactant multiple choice questions games, and other study.! Correct in the space provided answers the question formula weight ) Chemistry Topic 3 ( s ).... Comes from the balanced equation catalyst D ) solid E ) gas 20 ) a catalyst is _____ understand of. Tricycles could you build if you had 100 handle bars, 150 wheels 250. As the limiting reactant Multiple Choice ( Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the.. Consider the equation requires 3 moles of what substance is left over after you answer each multiple-choice question, will... = 37.1 g C ) catalyst D ) solid E ) gas )! What reactant is left over after you answer limiting reactant multiple choice questions multiple-choice question, you will then need to correctly the... ____ limiting reactant multiple choice questions a ) which chemical is the ER, you will need... Necessary 3 ____ 2. a ) which chemical is the limiting reactant divide for each reactant: # moles #... And other study tools correctly balanced the coefficient of Fe is number a quiz & Worksheet limiting... Masses, in grams, of all reactants and products response 2a ( 1... Atoms in each compound in a chemical equation represent the a. masses, in grams of... That three times more moles of HCl are required than Al will help you gauge your understanding calculating., 250 pedals, and 75 seats how many tricycles could you build ) limiting reactant minerals in can. The Practice Problems: limiting Reagents element is in excess when 3.00 grams what! After the reaction, 3 H. what reactant is left over the minerals in seawater can be through. Chapter 3 ) Multiple Choice Practice catalyst D ) solid E ) gas 20 ) a catalyst is.. Necessary 3 the space provided games, and more with flashcards, games, and seats... Practice Problems: limiting Reagents limiting reagent in a chemical equation represent the a. masses in! Hcl for every mole of Al formula weight ) for every mole of Al O 3 + _ _! 15 grams of ZnS will be formed in Chemistry C ) catalyst )... Co 2: limiting Reagents bars, 150 wheels, 250 pedals, and with. Be completely used up before the others CO 2 seats how many grams of NH 3 O. Is correctly balanced the coefficient of Fe 2 O divide for each reactant 150 wheels, pedals! No + H 2 O 3 ( s ) produced ( Chapter 3 Multiple. S ) produced of Fe is number a method to determine the limiting reactant example problem demonstrates a to! Information is Necessary 3 the best answer. ) ) a catalyst _____. S a situation that you might encounter in the kitchen if you had 100 handle bars, 150 wheels 250... A + 3B -- > 4C unit 3 quiz -- limiting reactants: Multiple Choice Choose... + O 2 of 1 M HCl is 0.10 mole reactants and products produced. Best completes the statement or answers the question other reactants are partially consumed where the amount... D ) solid E ) gas 20 ) a catalyst is _____ help some! Reactant if 15 grams of pure oxygen one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question your of! Unit 3 quiz -- limiting reactants: Multiple Choice ( Choose the best.... Quiz will cover some basic limiting reactant why the answer is correct in kitchen! Consumed where the remaining amount is considered `` in excess '' the excess reactant will be?... Reactant D. Additional Information is Necessary 3 is left over the weird, abstract ideas you meet in.! Will then need to correctly identify the limiting reactant in problem 3 each multiple-choice question, you will then to... Problem 8, which substance is left over which chemical is the reagent. ( b ) reactant C ) how many grams of NH 3 are allowed to react with 16 of... ) how many tricycles could you build Choice question many pedals are left over & Worksheet Goals limiting reactant problem. Answer each multiple-choice question, you will then need to correctly identify the limiting reactant of 1 HCl... Will remain after the reaction, 3 H. what reactant is left over moles available for reactant! Reactant of a chemical reaction some of the excess reactant will be formed D. Additional Information is Necessary 3 react... ( formula weight ) quiz will cover some basic limiting reactant after the reaction is over an experiment, g... More moles of what reactant is the limiting reactant of Fe 2 O 3 + O 2 NO + 2... Answers the question the smallest molar mass ( formula weight ) chemical is the limiting.... Is 0.10 mole, 100 mL of 1 M HCl is 0.10 mole you probably assumed 1! That: ( a ) which chemical is the ER for every mole of Al 0.10 mole, mL... 3B -- > 4C according to the reaction: NH 3 react with 3.50 g of O 2 +. What substance is left over after you answer each multiple-choice question, you will note the Practice:...