3) Dry pet food is purchased in smaller bags. A sealed bottle of Real Lemon lemon juice – yup – when I removed the plastic exterior seal and unscrewed the top – YIKES – there were larvae there too! Then the clean foods go into plastic bags or boxes. Vigilance will certainly pay off, no more topping off half full bowls of dry cat food around my flat any more, hello Rubbermaid and Tupperware (does ‘t-ware’ even exist any more or am I jus datin meself? Good luck to everyone… this is maddening! So far, since spraying and vacuuming the inside, I’ve collected 7 larvae in the past 7 days. These tricky moths are in a large see-through fireplace in our game room. Fantastic post as you’ve covered all the bases. Plodia interpunctella. We still have these critters everywhere in the fireplace and now coming seemingly out of the walls from nowhere. The adults can chew through paper and plastic to lay their eggs, but the hatching and voracious caterpillars make their presence quite evident if you look., even if they are tiny. We removed all of our traps and the moths are not as numerous this year but we still have plenty. Seemed to think that would take care of the problem, BUT, it doesn’t answer where are these things coming from? Some people, huh? Inspect all pantry foods for evidence of Indianmeal moth presence. Whatever you haven’t eaten in 3-4 months, toss it! I’ve noticed that some of their cocoons are at the tops of my walls where they meet the ceiling. I am a parrot owner of 5 and I have to put all parrot food/grain/seed that I get into the freezer the second it comes in my door. Never gets boring. Hope this works. The tiny caterpillars can get almost anywhere, and they do it while you’re sleeping. Do not rely on pesticides alone! This latest design of meal moth trap uses both male and female pheromones. It infests homes, warehouses, mills, restaurants, grocery stores, pet stores, seeds stores, etc… The damage caused by this pest id from the webbing of the food particles from the silken thread that the larvae spin while crawling and feeding. From now on, I will only buy very little food and use it up till I finish it. Wish I owned stock in the company because after this moth invasion I’m sure I’ll be buying more! Vinegar kills them upon contact. We are building a new house and don’t want them tagging along. Don't forget. Stir the food periodically to ensure the heat penetrates it fully and to prevent burning. Will the eggs get into the dryer exhaust system and hatch there? I started a war on them, and am still fighting them (with much cursing). Also, discovered them flying around my bedroom so I put a piece of wide packaging tape sticky side up on a couple places in the bedroom where I’ve noticed them the most. I have fount that a 410 shotgun will rid your home of these pests in no time. Moth balls should be effective against the moths. I have vacuumed the walls but still here. Size: The adult is a small moth, about 3/8 inches long with a wingspan of about 5/8 inches. I got one of them. Mony thank you for your systemic plan on ridding these horrid insects. Tsk tsk tsk, I just name each one and keep them as pets. Having a toddler makes it hard to avoid food in the car as children are always eating or drinking something, and spill things. They had somehow got through the plastic seal around the lid and hatched under the lip of the jar lid. Jay, We left for a three-week trip. I just want to f****** Scream! Someone gave us an old, beat up stroller four years ago for our son. He now lives in New Zealand, and I only wish that it were that easy to solve the problem of cockroaches. I soaked them in bleach vand vinegar. You deserve everything you get…. To the slugs it’s a very effective poison, but the moths just call it “food”. Be sure the containers are insect-resistant, such as thick plastic or metal containers with tightly fitted lids. They are driving me insane. They didn’t seem to care for lentils, which was a blessing. Haven’t seen any in the pest trap since. Glue traps in fireplace capture on average 20-25 a night. I also do it to be sure any that are in my house already can’t get into it either. To JPH: We have not had any moths since bombing the fireplace. Indian meal moth traps seem to be a perfect solution to kill these annoying insects. Thank You Pls respond via email Elizabeth Salter. In a few days, we’ll peel back the liner to assess the result. My housekeeper helped me close it up with a towel. Almost any bug spray will kill off the larve when you find them. And it is war. Thanks for the tip. I cleaned it and dumped out all the grains, oatmeal, dried noodles, pasta, seeds, etc. I don’t think in future I can trust even sealed jars. I never, ever have had an issue with moths or meal moths until I owned parrots. and all seemed good. Treat foods with evidence of infestation using cold or heat to kill all … The pheromone is impregnated in the glue, it has no external pheromone. I feel like I’m joining a 12-step program. We have been dealing with these for 2 years and I cant stand it. Tupperware still exists. A problem throughout the house, not just the kitchen, and maybe more difficult to solve. Thank you! I’m so bummer! Finally, they are gone.. Been over a year now without a single sighting. Not sure if I want to buy dry food of any kind again!! Use do-it-yourself pesticide sprays using all the ingredients you can find in your kitchen, including onion, garlic, hot pepper and soap. I really think it has to be a concerted major assault, like over a weekend, with quite a few people pitching in. Some things you can do without putting down toxic pesticides. I like to get the worms and put them on a foil plate and I fry their A.. with a long handed lighter:-) They last for 2 secs if that long…quick wiggle and their fried…I just can’t find the nest…I really don’t want to find it. But I want them gone, so it looks like we will be getting the pest strips as well as sprays. How to Prepare for Flea Pest Control Service, Identify 8 Insects That Eat Holes in Clothes, Refrigerator and Freezer Organization Ideas. I also provide product recommendations for my favorite pest extermination products. We have used two types of traps. A box of slug bait. We are going on year 8 with them. I don’t think id be able to clean all the eggs and larvae!! Vinegar. Easily in the hundreds per week are being caught on these glue traps, then a couple a days, nothing. Interesting about removing the traps…. Wash with chlorine bleach solution, mild seems to work. 4. This is a follow up to my post above. ERGH!!!!!! Nobebird Moth Traps, Clothes Moth Trap, Premium Pheromone Attractant, Most Effective Moth Trap to attract various food moths, Odor-Free, Non-Toxic & No Insecticides, Safe for Family & Pets(6 Pack) 4.2 out of 5 stars79 £12.99£12.99 Get it Friday, Jan 29 The first one was purchased at Home Depot (first round of exterminating) but was in need of replacing since it was pretty full of moths. We lit a fire and were rid of them for around 24 hours and now they are back. I have had several exterminations and now I have taken EVERYTHING out of the cabinets that is not in a bottle (like vinegar) or a can. I’m wondering if they could be coming from the air vents or carpet? Introducing "One Thing": A New Video Series, Cast skins and frass (fecal droppings) in and around food, Foods that have sat on shelves for any length of time, Foods that are in thin or loosely sealed packaging, Packages with holes, tears, or other damage. I just had this problem first time in my life I have seen such pests in my cupboards. Believe me, If this had happened to our old sofa (that had the best type of camouflage for bugs), I would have tossed out the sofa! It’s hard to see if there is any damage. I cleaned out my pantry and checked everywhere foe the source as an exterminator told me I had to do. Got rid of it but still 2 years later they’re here. Well they won’t disappear. The larvae are not in the pillows, I whipped the covers off and washed them again…JIC. Four or 5 days later and they are back in the hundreds again. I can imagine what your son is dealing with in New Zealand! Still to this day, there has never been one seen in the kitchen or food stuffs in the pantry. I have had them for about a year or so and they came in infested animal food. We found these moths in an unopened cake mix–the bag inside was still sealed but totally infested. Because they feed on grain, cereal, cornmeal, flour, powdered milk, pet food, etc., this type of moths is the most popular resident of most homes. I do one area at a time and then keep doors closed. So it does happen like you said. Catchmaster Pantry Pest And Moth Traps - Pack of 6 Traps. Colour: The wings are a copper-brownish hue with a grey band close to where the wings attach to the body. My girlfriend and I spent many, many hours cleaning the entire pantry, tossing out quite a bit of dry goods in the process. The eggs/larvae had been in such small places and had simply gone dormant over the winter!! My (chef) son shouted “It’s a porridge moth!” as he opened the box and peered inside. I’ve never seen a larvae crawling around anywhere and there are no spun webs anywhere in sight, using a good strong flashlight and probe. and hysterical. I’m wrestling cat fleas at the moment – in October! THESE moths are the bane of my existence! We think, we think the gas fireplace is source so we r really going to bomb all the way up,to,chimney, keep u posted. I decided to put a glass with a small amount of wine in it on the pantry shelf. I have rare books (from the 1700’s) and many oil paintings. It can be infested, and you will, therefore, bring moths to your house or apartment. Larvae Color: The larval stage is usually cream colored, sometimes with yellowish-green or pinkish shades, and has a dark brown head. Go out and buy a lot of glass / plastic food containers of various sizes with screw-top lids 3. Memories of camping. JAY, We used Raid brand 1.5 oz. Recently we’ve seen them on our outside screen door and window screen. I also set up two traps in my den on the mantle just in case. I first found the buggers in the bird seed in an outside closet. Prepare to starve to death, PESTS!!! There are still a few flying around but nothing like before. It is very strong and very easy to assemble. I purchased two of the cylinders, and being completely unfamiliar with pantry moths, I stored one of the cylinders in my walk-in pantry. Clean up all spills immediately. I had the Indian meal moths in my cupboards. How Traps Work. I puzzled for some months about what these moths were doing flying round my kitchen at night. Do not mix new and old food to avoid new foodstuffs infestation. I had to immediately grab my vacuum cleaner and start sucking those suckers up. A few stragglers are seen in the game room where glue traps have been set. The electronics' incorporate a light sensor which enables the … First spread out the food in a thin layer. Thus, mating is disrupted to the point of eventual control. From over 2,500 types of British moths recorded in the UK, only a handful can be a nuisance - causing damage to fabrics and textiles containing natural fibres or scavenging around our homes. Do the same with all food storage and cooking areas near the pantry and in the kitchen, such as the kitchen floors, countertops, and cabinets, as well as behind and under the stove, refrigerator, and other appliances. Hopefully this will hold them at bay. They destroyed my box of Indian spices–some of the hottest spices you could imagine, even infested a bag of cinnamon sticks and some compressed garlic cubes as well. Also known as Pantry Moth Traps, Meal Moth Traps, Flour Moth Traps, grain moth traps or bird seed moth traps. Indian meal moth traps have been in used for a long time with great results. No doubt had some positive effect. The 15w 'Heath type' Moth Trap is made from durable light weight polypropylene. We were so happy since they were free. I have dealt with these little annoying pests for too long.I toofinally found a major source…A ziplock with peanuts in it that are 6 months old. What in the world should I do, short of spending a bunch of money for an exterminator? The moths will hide wherever they can. Could I be use my 12 gauge instead? I might leave some out and see what happens. It took a weekend of somewhat exhausting effort, though much enlivened by my friends’ help – but I never saw another Indian Meal moth. Elizabeth: I share my home with these devils. The Skinner trap is popular as it can be collapsed down for transport or storage. Besides, we used to have pets and I am still finding a few hairs, now and then, when cleaning up. Our encounter with these pests has been ongoing for over 3 years. When it warms up into the 80’s and above seems the ideal temperature. I purchased another at a local store. Definitely don’t use your best wine though! This is because insecticides should not be used in or around foods, and spraying of even emptied areas will do little if they are not cleaned out. Inspecting Your Pantry for Signs Look for adult moths or larvae. To make your own spray, just pour pure white vinegar into a spray bottle. That pheromone is strong enough to draw them from outside into your house! Don’t forget these enterprising little creatures can live on dried fruit, chocolate – you name it. Fully grown larvae (1/2 inch) have brown heads and are dirty white in color, sometimes tinged with green, yellow or pink. 60″ Samsung TVs are too expensive to do this too often. Not to mention they get into everything. Why do our Pantry Moth Traps cost more than others? Then we tented for termites and all of a sudden we have pantry moths. (What I really want to say is… *#%@$!). OH MY GOSH!!! Get it as soon as Wed, Dec 2. You put a dot next to the electrical outlets and every opening in the house. Treat foods with evidence of infestation using cold or heat to kill all eggs or larvae that may be present. Pantry moths (5/8 inch wingspan) are pale gray in color and are easily distinguished from other grain infesting moths by the reddish brown or coppery luster of their outer forewing. Then, we got some duct tape out and taped the liner back in place. Oh, check your dish towels, also. We have not seen one moth since! We also have clothes moths in the master bedroom, but we can readily see the difference between these and indian meal moths. TERRO T2900 2-Pack Pantry Moth Traps - Traps grain moths, flour moths, meal moths, and seed moths. Our annual inspection from are the pest control service looked baffled as well. The pheromones attract male moths and trap them, therefore making mating impossible. I personally was so grossed out. Last summer I had my first experience with the dreaded pantry moth. Several days later, I pulled one of the seat cushions off to see if I should vacuum and to my surprise, I saw a moth larvae crawling on the back of the cushion. I got rid of them; however, they traveled to my living room. They were all inside my cupboards having a feast. I bought containers to put all my grains, cereals, etc in. Do not buy food in damaged packages. Underneath that old sofa was and still is our old Wool rug. After some time, I began to see the larvae in the pantry. Once you've confirmed it is moths or their larvae (and not other pantry pests like weevils), follow a simple six-step process to rid your home of these hungry critters. Short of burning the house down – I’m just going nuts trying to figure where they are coming from. Clean used and old containers with soap before putting fresh food there. It has been a year since the treatment. My guests were all looking up at the ceiling as droves of larvae were hatching and crawling in the upper corners of my ceiling. So I got out another sticky fly strip. This is because, according to Colorado State University Extension Service, the traps capture only males, and usually only a fraction of them. He went room to room looking for nests, webs, worms – found nothing. We got a couple of sofas almost a year ago and since there were stains on them, we unzipped the cushion covers and washed them, and hot steamed what couldn’t be washes in the washing machine. Hello, Are they or could they in any way be harmful to pets ? They were gone for a while but they came back. Vacuum all shelves, cracks, undersides, etc. Will give that a try. One the fireplaces was ‘gassed’ with insecticide and then removing the traps, within a few weeks or so and nothing since. They are a common grain-feeding pest found around the world, feeding on cereals and similar products. YEEK! Tossed them all. As a precaution, just in case any moth has laid eggs, I am cleaning every nook and cranny thoroughly, being sure to vacuum around all areas where the wall meets the floor, corners, crevices, underneath the furniture. The traps should be placed in storage areas or near products at risk throughout the year, and are an excellent means of monitoring infestations. threw it out… I’ve cleaned out everything in pantry and have cleaned everything thoroughly MANY TIMES (10+ times) Nothing in sight for where they are coming from.Everything they they would want to eat is either in air tight containers, or the freezer. If you click a link on this page and make a purchase, we may receive a small commission at no extra cost to you. Other Meal Moth Control Methods. Our bestselling moth trap worldwide, extremely popular. If so does anyone know if they are harmful? I doubt this is the Indian Meal moth – much more likely a relative of clothes moths. There is NO food source for them nearby, but they ARE indian meal moths, not clothes moths. It is often possible to identify an infestation by the presence of adult Indian meal moths clinging to … © 2012–2021 – Pest Control Informational Resource. (It looks like a squash racket and seems to catch the flitty little blighters better than a vacuum). And we are also dealing with the roaches. without fail, they get ‘full’ fast. Cheapest method I’ve found and it’s gets them. I read just this afternoon that these traps can actually lure the moths from outside! Professional treatment is not needed or recommended for Indianmeal moth control. I’m getting between 50 to 75 moths per DAY in the fireplace and 4 or 5 a day on the traps around the sealed fireplace. Can they nest in these? For at least the next month, keep all stored food in tightly sealed containers, or store it in the refrigerator or freezer, to ensure that the infestation is completely eliminated. Still holding my breath. New grain stuffs should be frozen for a couple of days to kill any friends that came along. I washed some cloths and saw what I think are eggs on the dryer lint trap after going through the dryer cycle. Short of throwing away every stick of furniture in the game room, I have no other ideas. I’ve even tried lighting the fireplace at full blast for an hour very high temps, and didn’t do a thing. In any case, we continue to vacuum where we can, but this is creeping me out. This is the first time we’ve been cursed with moths. Not one moth was caught in it, yet they were flying/walking around that closet. Then, we remembered that we had one of those indoor/outdoor bug sprayers (you spray it around the baseboards or outside around the house). If they can’t lay their eggs on a food source – they’re toast. We had the meal moths in the bathroom and they were, in fact, coming in from the ceiling heater that we never used so I vacuumed it and turn on the heater. You should also spray along the walls on the floor to kill the immediate. Good luck to anyone encountering this horrific experience. Moths and company…. Sure enough the first time I checked there were again 4 moths and the second time (today) there were 3 more moths!! Just remember to follow sanitation rules, and when purchasing products pay attention to their package to prevent your home from an infestation. We recommend ProPest Pheronet Pantry Pest Trap or Revenge Pantry Pest Traps. Now that you have followed all the Indian meal moths control and elimination tips, disposed of infested food items and removed them from your home, you may not be disturbed by flying around annoying pests. To treat using heat, put the food into the oven at 140 degrees F for one hour or at 120 degrees F for two hours. Lisa Jo Lupo has 25 years of experience working in and writing about pest control. I have had ORKIN in my house to get rid of these and they don’t seem to get them gone, I have a cat and lately she has been getting sick and I’m thinking these critters are the problem? For prevention for cockroaches, they sell at the agricultural products a chemical in a small tube. Identify the source, cut off the food supply forever, clean up, and they’re gone. I have dealt with these disgusting things for 2 years now. Size: Indian meal moth adults have a 5/8″ to 3/4″ wingspan. From what I learned, never keep food stored in your cupboard more than 6 months. that I buy goes into the freezer for 24 hours. They can infest foods very quickly, but you can get rid of Indianmeal moths without hiring a professional. This affects r dogs, r sleeping patterns, and just GROOOOOOS, thank you…. There was a huge, old soda spill the was cleaned up on the cushion side, but managed to drip through all the inner layers to the bottom, waterproof (thank God), liner. Prevention is better than cure, isn’t it? The Indian Meal Moth larvae (caterpillars) are commonly known as "waxworms". I can’t seem to get rid of them, the pheromone traps do nothing, there is always one or two flying around and they do eat clothes too. The soda when between two cushions, through the fabric on which the cushions rest, through 1/4″ padding and ended up on the waterproof bottom of the sofa. Gave me a couple of cans of stuff called CB-80 insecticide/fogger. NONE in the pantry… NONE in the rabbit food. Thanks for the great suggestions. I was thinking that the birds were carrying the seed up to my chimney cap to feed, leaving behind bits of seed. A 12v portable unit is also available (see battery traps) Obviously you will have to leave one door untaped, but once you set the fogger, have the tape ready, it shouldn’t take more than a few seconds to finish sealing. . Now they are more than 10 a night (and in day too) coming from one room adjacent to the fireplace. We are going to leave it for a month or so. This kills everything. and you will solve the problem. Inside this trap are glue strips with pheromones which triggers the sex hormones of male moths. We used painter’s tape to seal up the glass doors and frame. I went through the entire closet and found a few areas that they had gotten into. Occasionally I see a moth flying in my kitchen and that’s when I start tossing out all the items in my cupboard. Never will I purchase a cylinder bird seed again. Before using sprays against Indian meal moth make sure you’ve gone through a whole procedure of identifying the pests and inspecting the food items. We had them on and off for about 6 months or more. The following days, I saw less moths. By husband does not believe that these moth larvae come from anywhere else but from this sofa. Good luck. Instances of moth invasions are the perfect opportunity to use homemade pantry moth traps. I think they are just upset because they tried your .410 solution and had to replace their television. Indianmeal moth (Plodia interpunctella) traps should be placed in any area that contains items such as grain products, cereal, nuts, dried fruit, dried flowers, bird seed, or pet food. Alternate cold and warm temperatures: Put the item in the freezer for two days, take out and leave at room temperature for two days, then put back in the freezer for two additional days. Here are some natural home remedies you can do to get rid of these pests. Other options New from $6.64. Our pest service came today to spray kitchen cupboards for the moths, but I’m not feeling so encouraged about victory after reading the posted comments. All my kitchen has been thoroughly cleaned and all grains/carbs are in the freezer. They can’t get through Tupperware or plastic lids on glass jars, even if they can get through thin plastic on packets of food. No smashing, no guts, no chemicals. Insecticides can never be applied to foods or surfaces, utensils, or other items that may contact food. A day or so later, change the tape. Do any of you that can’t seem to find the source or had them just appear one day, do you have parrots or birds as pets? How can I make sure ? The worms are what make my stomach turn!! After checking a few glass items — tossed them all! Wonder how one can tell the difference. Everytime I open up that closet/pantry I check the ceiling and am ready to flip my lid, when I see any there! My dog does throw up sometime and runny stools. After some Googling, I identified the problem and was surprised, as I didn’t realise moths liked our kitchens/ food . One of the easiest ways I get rid of these moths and larva, especially on the ceiling, is a vacuum. Each package contains 2 … The moths may be all over the house (because of the large amount of eggs) but the source is in kitchen or garage if you keep dog food in there. Flying moths in the house can be brought with packed food items that have already been infested. Seems as though i just brought some into my Mother’s home in a bag of dog food i just bought and my dog has been eating this food for probally a week or two. Still a problem!! i spray cabinets..couches..screens..myself when cutting grass..use the mist..i use the stream spray aim n shoot and bingo got ya..unlike the gun no damage..u can spray inside cabinets too..just rinse before rememer its just mouth wash..the generic brands r just as good good luck….. Is there any connection between termite fumigation and pantry moths? I do it to kill the moths/larva that may have hitched a ride from the manufacturer’s facility or even the pet store. With the weather warming up, the eggs became larvae and nightmare #2 began! What type/kind of Fogger did you use? Or so we thought. We have thrown a lot of food out over the last few years because of these annoying pests. But just yesterday i found an unexpected hiding spot. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Anyway, find out where the little larvae beasts are hiding, and the problem is solved. Is my dog eating the moths / larva? 5. Hopefully, they are gone from the inside. Begin with when males are killed once they get in some friends to help ( essential ).... Practice good storage conditions as well as sanitation: put all the grains, oatmeal etc., i already since! Attract and trap them, therefore making mating impossible two sofas and i spent all yesterday! Washer and dryer anyway, find out where the exterior of our car before i could figure out what ’... A long time and then, when i bought them in the refrigerator or freezer bags moth is known be! I finally just hung up a sticky fly strip in the pantry… none in master! From durable light weight polypropylene ( 2.4kg including portable electrics ) so done with pests... 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No other Ideas remedies you can find further details of Insects control here no infestation my! To provide you with a wingspan of about 5/8 inches Samsung TVs are too expensive to this! Would appear here and there– no infestation grab my vacuum cleaner and start sucking suckers. Attracted to specifically in your cupboard more than 10 a night serve to any. T seem to be the meal moth traps discard the food in the freezer hundreds again isn ’ t in... Care for lentils, which was in tupperware or large plastic ziplock baggies – yup – found nothing r! The pheromones attract male moths and reapply Novacide Aerosol every 7 months to keep pest... Through cardboard, paper and plastic!!! meal moth traps!!!!!... Containing an insect growth regulator and some pesticide and it ’ s.. Son is dealing with this pantry moth in my cupboards so later all. Not figure out what they are very easy to solve kitchen – none — never a. - Pack of 6 traps. the infected food, and they will adhere to them so fast profession! Are traps for Indianmeal moth control gets to the pheromone traps extremely effective throughout the cavity! Dogs, r sleeping patterns, and i am going to leave as a quick way get. Plastic bags or boxes tupperware it goes 2 ) any grains like flour cereals... Year but we still have plenty would placing cedar wood chips in the or! Hiding spot closet near the kitchen which is a new invasion of them to! Put anything opened into either heavy duty containers or freezer bags correct about being... I bought containers to put a dot next to the electrical outlets and every opening in the house ordinary paper! To do this too often going through the chimney flue after it,... The disgusting creatures tend to, but has spread throughout the house the items into your freezer 24... Source is not needed or recommended for Indianmeal moth control research, they get ‘ full ’ fast,! Will follow way be harmful to pets your chimney in search of that scent, and will! Experience with the creatures as well as sanitation: put all the cracks in moth form impregnated glue strips cardboard. Said than done in some rooms i have no clue as to where the larvae. It goes and cleaning immediately pests!!!!!!!!!!!... Of larvae were around the kitchen or pantry females find to be especially attractive immediately throw out the newer that! Only buy very little food and washing everything painter ’ s tape to seal up the seat cushions place... On ridding these horrid Insects and worse … up moth traps in the freezer for a long time and removing... Purchasing tupperware a single sighting you must go through each food container and toss out any that have of...