Automated Substitute Placement and Absence Management, High School Modified Hybrid Learning Plan, Building Ventilation & Cleaning Protocols, High School Co-Curricular Athletics and Activities, World Language Certificate; Bilingual/Multilingual Seal, Learning Model Update – December 21, 2020, Learning Model Update – December 16, 2020, Learning Model for Semester 2 Change Request Information, Culinary Express Meal Updates for December 2020, WHS Learning Model Update – November 19, 2020, WHS Learning Model Update - November 12, 2020, Looking Ahead — No Change Yet but Shift Possible, Culinary Express Meal Updates and Reminders, Learning Model Transition Update – October 5, 2020, Important Information for 2020-21 School Year – August 6, 2020, Wayzata Public Schools Closed for Remainder of School Year; Distance Learning will Continue Through the End of the School Year, Update from Principal Gengler for Students, Update from Principal Gengler for Parents & Guardians, A Message from Superintendent Chace Anderson, Preparing for Distance Learning – Middle School Families, Preparing for Distance Learning – Elementary School Families, An Update from Superintendent Chace Anderson – March 26, 2020, Important Update Regarding COVID-19: Schools Closed through April 30, eLearning begins April 6, An Update from Superintendent Chace Anderson, Suggested Strategies to Prepare for eLearning, Food Distribution Plan During COVID Closure, COVID-19 Update: Online Learning Plans, Meals for Students in Need, and Childcare for Emergency Personnel, eLearning for Wayzata Elementary students – Kindergarten through Grade 5, All K-5 Families Should Pick Up Supplies Today, Tuesday, March 17, eLearning iPads and Materials for Middle School students (grades 6-8), eLearning for Wayzata High School students (grades 9-12), Clarification of eLearning for Wayzata High School students (grades 9-12), A Message to Wayzata High School Families from Principal Gengler, Staff Expectations Beginning June 8, 2020, Important Changes for Paraprofessionals: Week of April 20-24, Important Changes for Paraprofessionals: Week of April 13-17, Important Changes for Culinary Express Staff, Important Changes for Paraprofessionals and Wayzata Kids Staff, Coronavirus Information for Wayzata Staff, Paraprofessional, Secretarial & Wayzata Kids Staff eLearning Responsibilities. Share resources for food support in communities where families are staying, both in and outside of Wayzata Public Schools. She is the district contact person for all COVID-19 cases as she is our direct link to MDH. March 13: The Indiana High School Athletic Association postpones the boys basketball tournament. WCCO 4 News At 6 - November 14, 2020. The Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) announced football and volleyball are moving to next spring. Minneapolis, MN (WCCO) -- As COVID-19 cases surge, hospitals are admitting younger and younger patients with severe symptoms. Wayzata High School. A Wayzata High School student is back home after a 10-day stay in the hospital due to severe complications from COVID-19. Teachers and staff at our 14 schools help students discover their unique talents, develop a love and tenacity for learning, and become confident and successful in school and life. Access your district web apps (i.e., Google Docs, Canvas, etc.). "She was having heart failure, that was very scary because then her respiration rate dropped," Sarah Winston said. Box 660Wayzata, A GoFundMe page has raised roughly $125,000 for medical bills in just three days. We can be reached by phone or email. COVID-19 RELIEF. Jessica Miles Seventeen-year-old Ella Winston is a very healthy high school senior, a dancer since she was 3 and now a captain of the Wayzata High School dance team. Additional Public Information, Any person with disabilities who needs help accessing the content of the FCC Public file should contact Katie Bowman at or (651) 646-5555, FCC Applications | Privacy Policy | KSAX-TV FCC Public Inspection File March 13: The Indiana High School Athletic Association postpones the boys basketball tournament. Sarah Winston is helping care for her daughter, 17-year-old Ella, at home after a COVID-19 diagnosis and a 10-day stay in the ICU. Doctors say she now has myocarditis, or inflammation of the heart, which has put a stop to anything that will raise her heart rate, like dancing. Presenter is Dr. Anthony Santella, Associate Professor of Public Health at Hofstra University. "That’s who we were protecting this whole time (the vulnerable population), little did I know it could affect my super healthy child," Sarah Winston said. Wayzata High School. Wayzata Learns: A flexible plan for the 2020-2021 school year Based on the current trends of COVID-19 in our community, we are prepared to flex between several learning scenarios as needed throughout the 2020-2021 school year. Ella Winston, Courtesy GoFundMe. | 9th Grade Milestone: Transitioning to High School; Middle School; ... Music at Wayzata; Serve. But when she came in contact with COVID-19, worry arose quickly. And our academic programs are nationally recognized. Public School. The mission of Wayzata Public Schools is to ensure a world-class education that prepares each and every student to thrive today and excel tomorrow in an ever-changing global society. Amateur Sports Team. This is available to all students and teachers. What Every Kid Needs to Know about the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Online Health Seminar Amateur Sports Team. Wayzata Home Products, a Connersville cabinet maker, shuts down and … When to keep your child home from school? Public School. Connect to resources, which assist students and families experiencing homelessness and housing instability. With a population of 4,500 people, Wayzata is a tight-knit community which is known for its vibrant downtown and picturesque setting on Lake Minnetonka.A popular destination for visitors, Wayzata’s downtown is home to a number of specialty shops, boutiques, professional services, and restaurants. Terms of Use | Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (PDF) Wayzata High School Football And Volleyball Moved To Spring Amid COVID Concerns. We are committed to excellence! They hope Ella's story is a reminder to wear a mask and stay home when sick, to not only protect the vulnerable but the healthy as well. Co:Writer Universal is a writing tool that assists with spelling, keyboarding and text to speech. All reported COVID-19cases must be reported to Dawn Willson at or 763-745-6073. Wayzata Football. Created: November 11, 2020 07:40 PM. Prevention is key. Online learning environment. Were you afraid of dying? The webinar will use medically accurate and age appropriate content for 5-13 year olds. Looking for a school district that inspires students to excel and teachers to create motivational learning opportunities? Resources to Find Low-Cost Health Care or get Health Insurance (PDF). Wayzata Public Schools will communicate with students, families, staff and community members through the following methods: If you have questions about distance learning for your child, please contact your student’s teacher(s) first and then your building principal. Your school social worker is still here to support you and your child! The Wayzata state champion football and volleyball teams will have to wait until spring to defend their titles. Wayzata Public Schools210 County Road 101 NP.O. As the mom and daughter left the hospital Tuesday night, 10 days after arriving, they had a candid conversation. Seesaw for Pre-K-grade 3 and Canvas for grades 4-12), Sharing messages with local media and district key communicators, For more information related to schools and physical and mental health, visit. The school has been a finalist before and was the overall winner in 2013, he said. MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) — As COVID-19 spreads quickly among young people, a Wayzata high school student has made it her mission to help keep people healthy. Seventeen-year-old Ella Winston is … Webinar log in details will be sent one day before the webinar. Monitor participation and engagement of homeless and highly-mobile students in distance learning (e.g., including both attendance and performance) to guide whether additional staff support, engagement or assistance are needed via weekly check-ins. Wayzata is a terrific community. CōV Wayzata was one of 14 bars and restaurants warned last month for employees violating mask requirements, adherence to social distancing with tables less than six feet apart and establishments serving to more than 50 percent capacity. | Wayzata High School Teen Endures COVID-19 Hospital Scare, 'It Can Happen to Anybody'. Access your email account, Google Docs, and Google Calendar. Contact your school social worker regarding resources for mental health needs. Thank you to the students and families at Wayzata Greenwood Elementary School for creating this video filled with A LOT of appreciation! Copyright 2020 - KSTP-TV, LLC A Hubbard Broadcasting Company, KSTP-TV FCC Public Inspection File "There were a few times when she was violently throwing up, gagging on this mucus and she said to me, "Mama, I just can’t do it anymore," her mom, Sarah Winston, recalled. Five sales share the same address, 275 E. Lake St., where the 18-unit Wayzata Blu opened in late 2019. Thimble Bees; World – Volunteer; Rummage; Give. City of Wayzata (Local Government) ... Wayzata football has a first round bye in section playoffs due to COVID-19 cases with the Burnsville team. Dough; Give Mission for Christmas; Church – Volunteer; City – Volunteer. Wayzata High has participated in MathWorks since 2013, said math teacher Bill Skerbitz, the team’s coach. Use your Skyward Family Access username and password access your student's virtual learning environment classes. Find bus routes and boundary lines for the school district. Students experiencing homelessness face unique barriers from school closings and participating in distance learning, including limited availability of technology and living situations, which do not support alternative learning formats. A shortened season due to COVID-19 didn’t stop the Wayzata and Maple Grove volleyball teams from creating some thrills. Our teachers are among the best in the country. Wayzata Teen Battles Severe COVID Complications. She is the district contact person for all COVID-19 cases as she is our direct link to MDH. According to a GoFundMe page, 17-year-old Ella Winston tested positive for COVID-19 on Oct. 30 and was admitted to Children's Hospital in Minneapolis on Nov. 1.. Several links are included below that may be helpful to parents and students. Our students come from eight suburban communities. High School. KRWF-TV FCC Public Inspection File The State Information Hotline at the State Emergency Operations Center (SEOC) will be staffed from 7 a.m. to 7 p.m. to answer questions about childcare resources and general questions during the time of school closure. Wayzata North Woods Elementary School. Safe learning is at the heart of our planning for the 2020-21 school year. Basic overview of COVID-19 in multiple languages. Thank you to the students and families at Wayzata Greenwood Elementary School for creating this video filled with A LOT of appreciation! Wayzata High School will be providing a modified hybrid learning model that will not require families to make a choice between a 50% hybrid model and the Wayzata Distance Choice option, and will generally allow students to keep their schedules and course selections intact. Access your email account, Google Docs and Google Calendar. # TrojanPride # WeAreWayzata # WayzataWellness See More Her 17-year-old daughter Ella, a senior at Wayzata High School, contracted COVID-19. Develop plans to distribute academic materials to eligible families, where families are located as needed. Wayzata Home Products, a Connersville cabinet maker, shuts down and … A COVID-19 Coordinator for after-school activities and athletics will be determined. She’s spending her first day at home on Wednesday after 10 days of battling COVID-19 in the ICU at Children’s Minnesota. COVID-19 Attendance Guide for Parents and Families. City of Plymouth, MN - Local Government. A Wayzata High School student is hospitalized in critical care with COVID-19. Custodians are focusing on sanitizing and disinfecting frequently-used surfaces such as doorknobs, desks, tables, countertops, drinking fountains, etc. WAYZATA, Minn. (FOX 9) - Ella Winston, a 17 year old from Wayzata, was hospitalized for ten days after testing positive for COVID19 late last month. Online management of professional development. Hybrid Learning scenario is proposed to start the school year. Students experiencing homelessness are disproportionately students of color, lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or queer (LGBTQ), and/or students with disabilities. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Resources, Talking to Kids About the Coronavirus – Child Mind Institute, Talking to Children About COVID-19: A Parent Resource – NASP, Overview of COVID-19 from MDH (multiple languages), Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (PDF), Continued Learning at Home When School is Out, please contact your student’s teacher(s) first and then your building principal, What Every Kid Needs to Know about the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) Online Health Seminar, Helping Your Children Manage COVID-19 Realities: Beyond the Facts and Into the Effects on our Lives, Coping With Stress During Infectious Disease, District Emergency Child Care Information, Hennepin County Children’s Mental Health Crisis, Hennepin County Adult Mental Health Crisis, State Emergency Operations Center Assistance Hotline Information, Students Experiencing Homelessness or Housing Instability, Talking With Children: Tips for Caregivers, Parents, and Teachers During Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Coping With Stress During Infectious Disease Outbreaks, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19), Handwashing and Hand Sanitizer Use at Home, at Play, and Out and About, National Association of School Psychologists, Helping Children Cope With Changes Resulting From COVID-19, Email Notifications (English, Somali and Spanish), Automated and Individual Telephone and Text Messages (English, Somali and Spanish), Websites: district and school/program sites, Social Media: Facebook, Twitter and Instagram (district and school sites), Online Learning Platforms: (e.g. This one-hour webinar is designed for elementary, middle, and high school children, their parents/guardians, teachers, counselors, school administrators, and anyone who is interested in getting information on the novel coronavirus or COVID-19. Ella Winston,17, spent her first day at home Wednesday after battling COVID in the Children's Minnesota ICU … Wayzata High School 4955 Peony Lane Plymouth, MN 55446 Phone 763-745-6600 Fax 763-745-6691 This information includes updates on Wayzata Public Schools’ response plan to the COVID-19 coronavirus outbreak. Her temperature spiked to more than 104 degrees, and she developed an immensely sore throat with a cough, along with vomiting and dehydration. March 13: The Indiana High School Athletic Association postpones the boys basketball tournament. Mask up Wayzata! Due to COVID-19, our Veteran's Day celebrations look very different this year, but we can tell you there is no shortage of support for our country's service members! MINNEAPOLIS (WCCO) – As COVID-19 cases surge, hospitals are admitting younger and younger patients with severe symptoms. ... Marit Larson says it gives her something to do and can help curb COVID, Marielle Mohs reports (1:57). We'd love to hear from you. City of Plymouth, MN - Local Government. © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); KSTP-TV, LLC The Wayzata High School junior usually meets with friends to de-stress, but that’s had to change because of COVID-19. The teams were both undefeated when they met in the final match of the season before high school sports were halted because of the virus. Wayzata Football. With a population of 4,500 people, Wayzata is a tight-knit community which is known for its vibrant downtown and picturesque setting on Lake Minnetonka.A popular destination for visitors, Wayzata’s downtown is home to a number of specialty shops, boutiques, professional services, and restaurants. 55391Phone 763-745-5000. Do Not Sell My Info | Updated: November 11, 2020 07:54 PM All reported COVID-19cases must be reported to Dawn Willson at or 763-745-6073. Hybrid Learning scenario is proposed to start the school year. As such, a robust plan for meeting the needs of these students will help ensure all Minnesota students can equitably participate in distance learning. Wayzata is a premier suburb located 11 miles west of downtown Minneapolis. Contact eligible families to conduct a needs assessment related to distance learning. DMCA Notice | To address these challenges, Wayzata Public Schools’ McKinney-Vento liaison and/or school social workers will: Please contact Jennifer Welk, District McKinney-Vento liaison, at 763-745-5044 or if you have any questions. Wayzata High School student critical with COVID-19 Her family is detailing her battle with coronavirus and urging people to follow public health guidelines to … The content will focus on basic facts related to the science and public health along with frequently asked questions about how the coronavirus impacts things that matter to children like their friends, pets, vacations, etc. Check grades, attendance, transportation and update contact information. A Wayzata High School student is back home after a 10-day stay in the hospital due to severe complications from COVID-19. Government Organization. You will need to enter your full email address. | Public School. Wayzata Home … And she said, 'Yeah mama, I was,' and I said, 'So was I,' I was literally scared to death," her mom shared. A COVID-19 Coordinator for after-school activities and athletics will be determined. If you need a reminder, just ask Wayzata resident Sarah Winston. Assess the living situations and other characteristics for students who are experiencing homelessness to determine where the greatest support is needed for them to fully participate in distance learning. Sarah Winston is helping care for her daughter, 17-year-old Ella, at home after a COVID-19 diagnosis and a 10-day stay in the ICU. Online payment portal for a variety of products including parking permits, clothing, athletics, transcripts and more. # TrojanPride # WeAreWayzata # WayzataWellness Provide guidance and/or resources to families experiencing homelessness to ensure they have necessary materials to support community mitigation. Access your classes virtual learning environment. Two days after getting sick, Ella was admitted to Children's Hospital in Minneapolis, and within a day she was rushed to the intensive care unit where she would remain for nearly a week. "It feels great and it’s great to see the love that’s been offered to us," Sarah Winston said. The District encourages students, staff members and volunteers to continue the following preventative measures to avoid contracting the coronavirus: Our Buildings & Grounds department has increased the frequency of cleaning practices throughout our schools and buildings. Wayzata High’s Dance Team Captain, 17, Battles COVID – News, Sports, Weather, Traffic, and the Best of Minnesota, and the Twin Cities of Minneapolis-St. Paul. Minnesota Association for Children's Mental Health hosted a webinar, "Helping Your Children Manage COVID-19 Realities: Beyond the Facts and Into the Effects on our Lives", which is available to watch online. Wayzata is a premier suburb located 11 miles west of downtown Minneapolis. Ella's kidneys were shutting down, she developed a urinary tract infection and a bacterial infection. The situation is evolving and this page is updated regularly as new information becomes available. Wayzata Home Products, a Connersville cabinet maker, shuts down and … March 13: The Indiana High School Athletic Association postpones the boys basketball tournament. Site Map, This website is not intended for users located within the European Economic Area. You will need to enter your full email address. Contest Rules | You can also email and your question will be routed to the appropriate staff member who can help. Students will log in with their username@wsd-mn. Due to COVID-19, our Veteran's Day celebrations look very different ... this year, but we can tell you there is no shortage of support for our country's service members! A Hubbard Broadcasting Company, Conversations about Racism, the Road to Equality, Man shot and killed at Metro Transit station in Minneapolis, police investigating, Experts say experience convinced Midwest of virus dangers, Downtown Nashville explosion knocks communications offline, Christmas breakfast tradition continues in pandemic, Ambulance slides off road in Brooklyn Park. Below is a hotline that has been created for families to obtain information about childcare resources and other general questions about the school closure. Ella Winston is a 17-year-old senior at Wayzata High School. Marit Larson started her own mask making business to stop the spread of COVID. Payroll information, time off requests, and more. "She was dealing with really quite a few things that were attacking her body and really shutting down her body," Sarah Winston said. ... March 13: The Indiana High School Athletic Association postpones the boys basketball tournament. Stay home when sick, and avoid close contact with people who are sick. Ella Winston is a 17-year-old senior at Wayzata High School. Monitor evolving and emerging recommendations specifically pertaining to students experiencing homelessness during the COVID-19 pandemic offered by the National Center on Homeless Education, the National Association for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth and SchoolHouse Connection, as well as other recommendations from local resources. , etc. ) hybrid learning scenario is proposed to start the School been... And students Lake St., where the 18-unit Wayzata Blu opened in late.! Friends to de-stress, but that ’ s had to change because of COVID-19 helpful! I do to protect myself and others who tested positive for COVID-19 3 Anybody! Boundary lines for the School year coronavirus outbreak obtain information about childcare and. Regularly as new information becomes available you afraid 2019 ( COVID-19 ) ( )! 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