Many plants can carry fungus and disease as well as snails, algae, and who knows what else. I just got the following plants that I am going to add to my aquarium: Hornwort, sagittaria, mini hair grass and salvinia auriculata. Other people believe that a simple wash and trim is all that is needed to keep a healthy tank. To submit your vote please sign in or sign up, it is free and takes a few seconds. A few weeks without hosts should kill most parasites and their eggs.Some diseases (certain bacteria) can live without hosts for a month or more - these might require a dip treatment to rid the plant of it if the plant has come from an infected tank. It shows gradings of Cherry Shrimps... well all Neocaridina davidi var. Other uses for quarantine tanks include a breeding tank for fish, a recovery tank for harassed fish, or a "grow out" tank that allow newly hatched fry to mature in … Parasites, injury, and infectious disease are an unfortunate and unavoidable aspect of the aquarium hobby. A quarantine tank is simply a small aquarium that is set up for the purpose isolating a fish, or fishes, from your display aquarium. However, I do want to educate on why it’s important to quarantine, and common practices on how to quarantine your plants. In combination with disinfecting, this ensures that any disease organisms in the plants die before they have a chance to infect the fish. Add a few plants at a time, let the water adjust for a few days, then add a few more. Even if you don’t want to fully clean or quarantine, it is always good to treat all new plants for ich (ick?)! A quarantine tank is a smaller, bare tank for the purposes of holding all new fish before adding them into your main display aquarium. If so, how do i do this? It allows a new fish to be maintained under good aquarium conditions for two to four weeks to get used to the water, the tank routine, and available foods away from the competition of the main tank. The organisms perish during the quarantine period due to the lack of a host, making the plants safe for your fish. This was one of the more common methods where some people do this, and others are completely against it. Add a few plants at a time, let the water adjust for a few days, then add a few more. Additionally, a thermometer is essential for a quarantine tank to monitor the water temperature, which is vital here. Right now i am reading the procedure in this site: This allows you to make sure they’re healthy and won’t potentially infect your other fish. What you do is completely up to you, and I am not responsible for any damage that may incur. I am no expert by any means. I will share some basic information about Plants, Equipments, Maintenance, and MISC information i find interesting and useful. Even fake plants will work if the fish you purchase are quite small. Fishless cycle can be done, add ammonia source,have good aeration(air pump)....make sure you have sufficient biomedia for BB to grow in your filter. Meticulously rinse and wipe down all leaves and stems. The most popular way to avoid any unwanted critters in your aquarium is to purchase in vitro plants. Ich in community aquarium with frogs, shrimp, snails and live plants . A plant start-up or quarantine tank can be useful not only for bringing in plants from the outside, but also for starting off any new plant. Does the job nicely! Quarantine tanks allow only the infected fish to be treated, leaving sensitive species or water quality in the main display aquarium unaffected by medications. CO2 FAQ Pressurized,DIY, Excel or tablets? This could be as easy as a plastic tub with a timed light and a heater :). As described above, pesticides can stay on treated plants up to several weeks. FYI: I did try this for algae infested plants and this does not work well with some plants as the plants withers away after few days. You can choose not to read further as the information i shared are more for newbies and may not suit veterans. Total items in cart: 0. If you want a nuclear option - a copper-based parasite killer in a quarantine tank with the plants for a week (no need to do anything before this but … Quarantining aquarium plants is a way of treating the plants and making them free of disease-causing microorganisms.